In the process of participating in swimming, it is difficult for swimmers to avoid swimming incidents. However, the more embarrassing you are, the harder it will be to solve, even more dangerous.

Once you have basic knowledge, handling swimming incidents will be safer and more effective. Below will be the necessary skills for the process of overcoming and handling swimming incidents for you. In the process of participating in swimming, it is difficult for swimmers to avoid swimming incidents.

1. Before you enter the water, you should remember

Never ignore starting your body, it won’t take you too much time. Swimmers can choose to jog with short distances to help their muscles work more regularly. Especially avoiding excessive muscle tension, sudden cramps or hypothermia due to differences in body temperature and water when swimming.

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2. When you are involved in water campaign

Our bodies will go through 3 stages of swimming, which is the stage of inhibiting, adapting and recovering (or compensating).

– The inhibition phase, lasts about 10 to 15 minutes, although it is booted well, your body still has peripheral vasoconstriction. This makes your heart beat faster, your breathing increases and your blood pressure will increase slightly.

Adaptation stage, lasts from 1 to 3 hours and has energy consumption. When the inhibitory phase has passed, the body will gradually return to adaptation, the above expression will no longer exist. Everything is stable and returns to its original state. However, at this stage, you also need to be aware that not doing too much. Just relax and relax your body well, gently to relax.

– The compensating stage for the body, after the body has consumed energy. The time has come for you to compensate for the lack of those energy parts for yourself. At this time, the muscles became more and more tired, the movements were no longer smooth. Instead of trying hard, swim to the shore and let your body rest. Never ignore starting your body, it won’t take you too much time.

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3. When you are on the shore you should

Let your body rest and relax, then take a white bath with warm water and dry your body. You can warm yourself up with a hot tea cup or a glass of ginger juice to make your body more comfortable after you go ashore.

Above are the most basic and necessary skills to help you overcome the swimming problems. Protect yourself and the people around you, and wish you success.